2011- next target
what i want is want i need
X lme je lg dh nk msuk Year 2011
thun bru..umur mningkat.. more difficult..etc
1- new handphone.. hurm ade 3 plihan, yg mne ye the most nk ??
Acer beTouch e120
Nokia c7
Nokia 6710 navigator
yg mne akn menjadi milik nina ?? hehehehe mmg nk sgt tkr phone..(ade ke yg nk bli kn ??)
2 - Birthday Party or Surprise Birthday Party..
Ade ke yg nk anjur kn ?? Huda.. Ez.. Sofia pasti kn buat ye.. hehehe
3 - Chocolate(Top 3).. Urmmm sdap.. hahaha( evil laugh)
sape la yg x ske kn ??
second fav...
a lot of types & i like it all.. hehehe
Chocolate + Strawberry( part of chocolate jgk)
mmg sdap sgt2.. cbe la.. hahaha
4 - Novel..
Nina ske novel trutama novel in english..
x kisah la ape pn novel but yg plg pnting jgn la yg boring..
alamat nye jd pameran la.. hahahaha..
5 - Necklace..
if Hudha "love to wear something at my hands"
x p nina lebih prefer wear something at my neck.. sorry hudha..
Okay to tell you the truth, my wish list not this short. If I list it here, it will take hours to go through all of it. haha. I don't really expect you to buy it for me. It just for fun.
It doesn't matter I get gift or not. The most important 'gift' for me is friendship. It doesn't matter if I have a few friends or people won't believe me anymore. Because one person who believe in me is enough for me. As long as I still have my good friends.(sorry hudha copy,ape yg hudha tlis sme dgn ape yg nina nk tlis so copy je la.. jgn marah ye..)